Friday, July 21, 2006

Warner Bros.'s China Movie Takes Head Start In Race With Pirates

Yahoo run with a Reuters article about Warner Bros. new low budget China filmmaking joint venture "Crazy Stone," released in cinemas on June 30, then followed with a DVD version selling for as little as 10 yuan ($1.25) just 12 days later.

Tony Vaughan, managing director for CAV Warner Home Entertainment Co., an Warner joint venture that handled the film's home video release, said: "We came out here with the aim of competing with the pirates on pricing and timing," said Vaughan. "The fact that we've been able to go this early means we've been able to beat the pirates."

Read the Reuters article here.

However, Shanghaiist who elaborated on the subject (including film poster) noticed that although there were stories that said that somehow no black market DVDs of Crazy Stone were available during its first week of release, "[b]ootleg DVDs are available now, what with perfect studio versions to copy from. We saw Crazy Stone at our local DVD shop yesterday for 7 kuai." Kuai is the colloquial term for yuan (Renminbi).

Read Shanghaiist's article here.

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