Monday, April 26, 2010

Also So Much to Do in IP in the USA! Happy World IP Day To All!

Keith Johnson reports today in the Wall Street Journal that:

- Last Christmas the US seized 26 million US dollar worth of counterfeit goods.
- Now the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center confiscated 40 million US dollar worth of couterfeit goods in more than 30 US cities. This operation was called: Spring Cleaning. Seems that the US is copying China's gusto for fancy names for enforcement operations.
- And as part of a separate and long running investigation at the port of Baltimore another 200 million US dollar worth of fake goods were seized.

Mr Johnson wrote: "Chinese criminal gangs are the biggest purveyors of fake goods in the U.S., accounting for about 80%, by value, of the counterfeit goods seized last year, according to U.S. government data."

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